Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus,
Do the tears flow down your cheeks unbidden?
Tell it to Jesus alone.
Tonight my heart is heavy because of a couple of my students who are in danger of repeating the grade. I grieve not because of their failures but the attitudes that seem to be at the core of American "Christian" parents today. I know that as mothers it is our tendency to be soft, to want to hold back the harsh realities of life, but it is our duty to instruct our children, yea hold them over the uncomfortable fires of consequence while they are young. As I parent and teach (and try to teach parents) I am overwhelmed at the phenomenal job my Mom and Dad did with us. Not that we are perfect-far from it ! But we love the Lord and what is right. We want what is good and perfect for our children, not just what is convenient or easy. But I digress. I guess I am asking you to bring these two children (one boy, and one girl who will remain nameless) before the throne of our Savior. I need to spend time on my knees for them and I need reinforcements. Will you pray?
Here are some specific requests:
- That the children will work hard consistently and see good results in measure with their effort.
- That Satan will be bound in the homes and decision making concerning theses kids.
- That I will have the drive to KINDLY stay on their cases and demand their best.
- That they will know the love of Jesus through my life.
Thanks so much! I love you guys!