Well, our little Greer is in the big time now. Our small town had such an upheaval that last few days I am not sure if it will recover. A couple of months ago it came out in the news that George
Clooney and Renee
Zellweger would be coming to South Carolina and shooting a film. Last Thursday they were filming in downtown. (I wanted to take my class on a walking field trip-tee
hee) By the time I was able to get down there they were no longer filming. I found out that they would be filming on Sunday as well, so I went after the morning service and drug Matthew with me. We saw them setting up and a purple haired man carrying a couple of shotguns that were props. A young officer told me the action would heat up from 2-4pm. So I went back at a little after two. Basically all I saw was them setting up the huge lights on a big boom and water blasting the lines off the street.

I ran into a coworker and her Mom and after an hour or so we had worked our way to the front of the police tape. We then got a tip that
Clooney would be coming to his makeup trailer and so we went to stand over there. Finally I left for the evening service at 4:30. Not a half and hour after I left
Clooney came out and shook hands with the people standing right where we had been at the police tape! After church I went back to try and get more pictures of the set (they didn't even have the cars on the streets when I left.) I had Matthew with me again, so as there was nothing going on we just took pictures of the cars and left. My coworker Charlotte and her Mom stayed until 11:00pm and got to meet
Clooney, shake his hand, get an autograph and have their picture taken with him. So needless to say there has been a lot of hubbub around this town. The movie is called
Leatherheads and is about early football players in the 1920s. I hope it is a decent movie after we have made such

a big deal over it!

These picture are of store fronts they converted for the movie. One is a variety store (mercantile) and the other a barber shop. I know they filmed inside the barber shop but am not sure about the other. I think they must have just been outside because I peeked behind the curtains on the store doors today and it just looked like a warehouse with props and junk inside. The following pictures are thanks to Belinda, Charlotte's Mom. THANKS!
Extras in costume
Body Doubles for Clooney and Zellweger
what you have been waiting for...

George Clooney and Body Guard