One of our high school students told me she wants to rename Valentines Day - Singles Awareness Day! I thought that was funny. I made some cute cookie for the children in our Kids For Truth group last night.
I also followed a cute idea from Better Homes and Gardens to fancy up some Hershey bars that I gave out.

I thought I would add a little poem in honor of you guys, my friends:
That roses are red and violets are blue,
I find to be boring, even though it is true.
I'd rather shower you with poems and proses,
Then talk about silly, expensive, old roses.
I do like flowers, now don't get me wrong,
But chocolate deserves its own Valentines song.
So here is to you my dear friends and true,
A pile of candy I saved just for you.
I know you can't see it, I know its not real.
But you'll add not an ounce- It's a wonderful deal.
So savor or gobble it - which even you'd ruther,
'Cuz you're special to me, you like no other.
And in honor of cold and flu season another one (my class used three or four ENTIRE boxes of Kleenex this week):
Roses are red, but my face is redder,
If I could quit throwing up, I know I'd feel better.
My eyes all puffy, my body just aches,
The flow from my nose a volcano it makes.
Soon the flu season will be all gone and over.
But for now I feel like the old, dead, dog Rover.