By the way, we had some of the Hagen Dazs ice cream for lunch and the lid had a dollar off two pints coupon on it. I may just run back and get two more for a mere dollar. It is SUPER good.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Super D Duper Deals!
Well, I have really gotten into coupons, CVS and Walgreen's thanks to Lisa. My hubby bless his scrawny neck that I would like to wring, said to me after my first trip. "That's great but you aren't as good as Lisa yet!" =) I wasn't mad, really I just laughed. I went to Walgreen's on my way home form Mom's house and got the free mascara which I do not use but when they pay you $2 to take it off their hands I will take it and give it away. (Thanks to Tasha at ComicalCouponCents for the heads up on the easy saver coupon-I had missed it) Well while I was trying to find enough things to use up my overage-they don't really hand you the money you have to get something else and get it for free- I found this Edy's ice cream on clearance. It was marked $1.57 each. So I stocked up. I paid for all this in the photo $15.30. I know I have seen it for $5 a tub before so I did very, very well!

By the way, we had some of the Hagen Dazs ice cream for lunch and the lid had a dollar off two pints coupon on it. I may just run back and get two more for a mere dollar. It is SUPER good.
By the way, we had some of the Hagen Dazs ice cream for lunch and the lid had a dollar off two pints coupon on it. I may just run back and get two more for a mere dollar. It is SUPER good.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Teacher Funny
I found the following in Readers Digest:
These students reveal why teachers need summer vacation.
Q: Use baron in a sentence.
A: Mrs. Jones is baron and can't have children.
Q: What is an index?
A: What you wash windows with.
I also have a pretty funny one from my own classroom.
One of my students last week said to me: "Mrs. C you know how lions sometimes eat people (me-"yeah") well, are they mechanicals?" (me- thinking as quickly as I can-mechanicals? what do you mean) you know like when people eat each other." (me-Oh you mean cannibals?) "Yeah, yeah"! I am very proud of myself that I didn't laugh at her (at least out loud and right then. (The same kid asked me a couple of weeks ago while doing an English page what a Candy stripper was. I looked at the page and it said candy striper.
These students reveal why teachers need summer vacation.
Q: Use baron in a sentence.
A: Mrs. Jones is baron and can't have children.
Q: What is an index?
A: What you wash windows with.
I also have a pretty funny one from my own classroom.
One of my students last week said to me: "Mrs. C you know how lions sometimes eat people (me-"yeah") well, are they mechanicals?" (me- thinking as quickly as I can-mechanicals? what do you mean) you know like when people eat each other." (me-Oh you mean cannibals?) "Yeah, yeah"! I am very proud of myself that I didn't laugh at her (at least out loud and right then. (The same kid asked me a couple of weeks ago while doing an English page what a Candy stripper was. I looked at the page and it said candy striper.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day to You
One of our high school students told me she wants to rename Valentines Day - Singles Awareness Day! I thought that was funny. I made some cute cookie for the children in our Kids For Truth group last night.
I thought I would add a little poem in honor of you guys, my friends:
That roses are red and violets are blue,
I find to be boring, even though it is true.
I'd rather shower you with poems and proses,
Then talk about silly, expensive, old roses.
I do like flowers, now don't get me wrong,
But chocolate deserves its own Valentines song.
So here is to you my dear friends and true,
A pile of candy I saved just for you.
I know you can't see it, I know its not real.
But you'll add not an ounce- It's a wonderful deal.
So savor or gobble it - which even you'd ruther,
'Cuz you're special to me, you like no other.
And in honor of cold and flu season another one (my class used three or four ENTIRE boxes of Kleenex this week):
Roses are red, but my face is redder,
If I could quit throwing up, I know I'd feel better.
My eyes all puffy, my body just aches,
The flow from my nose a volcano it makes.
Soon the flu season will be all gone and over.
But for now I feel like the old, dead, dog Rover.
I also followed a cute idea from Better Homes and Gardens to fancy up some Hershey bars that I gave out.
That roses are red and violets are blue,
I find to be boring, even though it is true.
I'd rather shower you with poems and proses,
Then talk about silly, expensive, old roses.
I do like flowers, now don't get me wrong,
But chocolate deserves its own Valentines song.
So here is to you my dear friends and true,
A pile of candy I saved just for you.
I know you can't see it, I know its not real.
But you'll add not an ounce- It's a wonderful deal.
So savor or gobble it - which even you'd ruther,
'Cuz you're special to me, you like no other.
And in honor of cold and flu season another one (my class used three or four ENTIRE boxes of Kleenex this week):
Roses are red, but my face is redder,
If I could quit throwing up, I know I'd feel better.
My eyes all puffy, my body just aches,
The flow from my nose a volcano it makes.
Soon the flu season will be all gone and over.
But for now I feel like the old, dead, dog Rover.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
My Very Important Opinion! =)
I just thought I would voice my opinion on an unimportant thing. Fluorescent light. I just love them! Joe just bought some new bulbs after having stupid dim ones in the sun room for probably a year. It is so bright and cheerful in there. I remembered a room mate of mine in Bible school hated them and called them "the operating room lights". I really like them and wouldn't care if every room in the house had them. In fact our bedroom seemed so dim all the time even with the overhead light and lamps and white walls-so we got one of those huge curly fluorescent bulbs. It is nice and bright in there now. And like some tribal people say. The words of Julie are over.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Murder At the Grammies
I never posted pictures of it but Matthew was Quintos Quotation Mark at our school's dinner theater play this fall. His "wife" was Queenie Quotation Mark. It was a very cute play and all of the charters were parts of speech or punctuation. Thanks to Grammer Man and Word Wonder we found out that it was Polly Pronoun who committed the murder because she was always being called upon to take the noun's place. 
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