Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Teacher Funny

I found the following in Readers Digest:
These students reveal why teachers need summer vacation.
Q: Use baron in a sentence.
A: Mrs. Jones is baron and can't have children.
Q: What is an index?
A: What you wash windows with.

I also have a pretty funny one from my own classroom.
One of my students last week said to me: "Mrs. C you know how lions sometimes eat people (me-"yeah") well, are they mechanicals?" (me- thinking as quickly as I can-mechanicals? what do you mean) you know like when people eat each other." (me-Oh you mean cannibals?) "Yeah, yeah"! I am very proud of myself that I didn't laugh at her (at least out loud and right then. (The same kid asked me a couple of weeks ago while doing an English page what a Candy stripper was. I looked at the page and it said candy striper.

1 comment:

† Tasha said...

Haha This makes me laugh! Thanks for visiting my blog today! I had to use your "penny" slogan seeing I had cute pennies on my blog and it makes me laugh hysterically. Hope you don't mind. As far as Walgreens, I'm addicted to their insanely good deals they have! I enjoy reading your blog. Keep us laughing!