Saturday, March 3, 2007

New Hair Do

I recently (in January) got my hair cut into a new style. Both my sister Vickie and our friend Sarah were trying to get me to go for layers last summer. But I have always known that layers = work, so I never wanted to do it. Well I found a picture I really liked (incidentally it was Martha Stewart!) and I went for it.I was right. Layers do equal work but I really like it, and so does my husband and everyone else. Sorry the picture is light but my camera is not working too well. It seems to be overexposing everything. Which is weird with it being a digital camera. Any way I hope you can still see it.


Sarah said...

I have actually been to your blog before, but couldn't comment unless it was under Ellie's name... because that's the way our blog is set up. I give up - I'll have to comment as Ellie. :-) I LOVE your hair!! So glad you listened to us, and gladder still that you like it. I've enjoyed your posts... loved the coffee poem, being a coffee lover myself. Missing the lazy days of sipping coffee in Panama with you. Ahhh, back when life was simpler and all I had to worry about was a son who wanted to kill me... those were the good ole days. So happy we can keep up with each other this way! Love you, Sarah

Penny-Sue said...

Love the hair! Are you loosing weight again?? You look great! I am looking forward to a nice cup of coffee... and a long talk!!
Love ya!