Monday, May 7, 2007

I Am Alive!

Hi, every one! I have been catching flack for not changing this! I guess I am important after all. Tee hee. I have not been able to post for awhile as there have been technical issues. I was unable to type only cut and paste-hence the "Somebody said". Even cut and pasting was troublesome but anyway in the magical way of computers (where problems pop up and go away with no trace or seemingly sensible reason) it is fixed! So I can now let you know what is going on in my boring little life. I hope to put garden pictures on sometime this week.

My Aunt has unleashed a sleeping giant within me! She came to visit my parents and gave me a pair of London blue topaz stones in an oval cut. So now I have been scouring ebay for settings and other pieces to match. NEVER, NEVER get a girl going on pretty sparkly things! It makes her dissatisfied with the plain Jane! So now in addition to ruby, diamond and pearl earring from my hubby I will have topaz and malachite. (another pretty semi precious stone I found and bought while searching for other stuff!) Well that is all I have to say tonight. Sleep well my friends, love you!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay - you ARE alive! I check constantly, but have had trouble commenting. I'll see if it works this time. So glad you're enjoying the "sparklies" - I can whole-heartedly understand the sentiment. Love Ya - Sarah